Digital Kampung
Platform for Searching/Rating/Reviewing Hawkers in Singapore
Digital Kampung is the name of an external Google Developer Students Club (DSC) that I joined in August 2020. The project aimed to digitalize hawker centres across Singapore, making it easy for anyone to search and review hawkers across the island. This platform was an idea by The Federation Of Merchants' Associations, Singapore (FMAS) whom we worked with throughout the duration of the project.
I found this idea to be really useful as details such as opening hours and menus of hawkers are usually hard to find without going to the physical store. Thus, having an online platform that lists all the opening hours of the various hawkers as well as their ratings and menu would be really helpful.
This project made me strengthened my frontend skills as it was the third React project that I had ever worked on. I was fortunate enough to be the team lead for the first half of the project in which I learnt how to lead 1-2 week long sprints as well as holding discussions with my projectmates.
In the second half of the project, we also learnt how to collect data and it was fun going around and talking to the hawkers about the platform we were trying to create.
All in all, this project was fun to do and I did not regret signing up for this!
Tech Stack
- React
- NodeJS
- Express
- PostgreSQL
Personal Contribution
I was the frontend lead for half of the project duration in which I led internal discussions amongst my team of 3 frontend developers and worked with the Business Development team and the UI/UX Designer on how to improve the platform's usability and experience. My main contributions to the platform (code-wise) were the search and main pages. I also worked on the design for the initial wireframes in Figma.
Relevant Links
I think the original website is down for now :(