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Project Kampong

Social Good Aggregator Platform


Project Kampong is a budding start-up that aspires to be an aggregator of social good initiatives in Singapore and empower youths to build good from the ground up. I joined Project Kampong as a Frontend Lead at its infancy in mid 2020 and have been working on it on-and-off since then.

Since its founding, the idea has gone through several revamping and reimagining, from a social aggregator to an event manager. Currently, the website is down and the project is on hiatus as half the members are on NOC (overseas internship).

Despite the idea not coming to fruition yet, I still gained a wealth of experience from the 1.5 years I spent on this project. This was actually one of my first few starts into doing external projects and also my first time diving into frameworks/tools such as Angular, a frontend framework that was completely new to me then as well as GraphQL. I also managed to pickup a few backend basics whilst working with the backend lead Don.

Watch this space!

Tech Stack

  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • Express (later on, we used NestJS)
  • PostgreSQL (later on, we used MongoDB)
  • GraphQL

GitHub Codebase